About us

Glide Physio + Pilates is a boutique Physiotherapy practice and clinical Pilates studio with a modern and highly personalised approach to treatment, exercise and rehabilitation.

Our mission is to help you move freely, build strength and gain confidence in your body and all its incredible abilities. With over 20 years of experience in physiotherapy and Pilates, we can guide you to optimise your recovery, improve your fitness and prevent injury.

We provide personalised treatment and exercise programs with an emphasis on safety and focused supervision to ensure correct technique. Feel empowered and supported to move past pain, fear and limitations and to feel your very best self.

The advantages of regular Pilates

  • Improved posture

  • Reduced back and neck pain

  • Increased flexibility

  • Faster recovery from injury and/or surgery

  • Improved muscle strength and endurance

  • Reduced risk of injury

  • Improved athletic performance

  • Better balance and reduced risk of falls

  • Increased bone density

  • Pelvic floor strengthening, ideal for pregnancy and post-pregnancy

  • Managing stress, anxiety and depression

  • Mindful movement

Meet Ellie

Director, physiotherapist & Instructor

Since completing her physiotherapy degree in 2004, Ellie has experienced and developed skills in many different areas including musculoskeletal, women's health, chronic pain management, aged care, post-surgical recovery, neurological rehabilitation and in the fitness industry. Throughout her long career Pilates has been a constant source of inspiration for Ellie, a useful tool in her clients' recovery and in managing her own health.

Ellie entered her first Pilates training course in 2005 with a stiff and sore back from years of study. From the moment the instructor corrected her spinal movement during an exercise, waking up the back muscles she needed to use and releasing years of tension, she was hooked! Like many of her clients Ellie became addicted to the post-Pilates high - feeling taller, breathing more freely, releasing tension and generally feeling like a superhero!

Since then she has completed certificates in Pilates Rehabilitation and Pilates Matwork, a Diploma of Professional Pilates Practice and Barre Instructor training. She has held roles with large Pilates and fitness brands in program design and trainer education.

What is Clinical Pilates?

The Pilates method has been steadily evolving over the last century. German-born Joseph Pilates began its early development in British internment camps during the first world war. He brought together influences from martial arts, yoga, gymnastics, body-building, along with his beliefs about the mind-body connection, to build a system of exercises he named Contrology.

Pilates brought his method to New York where it was enthusiastically adopted by the dance and performing arts community. Since then the method has grown in popularity, and been adapted and incorporated by health and fitness professionals around the world.

While Pilates classes may appear to be the domain of balletic young women, Pilates is ideal for people of any age, gender or fitness level. Our equipment and teaching methods make Pilates accessible and beneficial for the complete beginner right through to the elite athlete. We use a range of equipment and matwork to teach the mind and body the most efficient ways to breath and move. Weaker areas are strengthened, overused areas are relaxed, joints are facilitated to move smoothly, and functional movement patterns are trained through repetition. There is a focus on correct isolation, control and sequencing of muscles, from the deep inner core muscles to the larger global muscles.